Suppliers and Subcontractors

Support minority and small contractor success through formal and informal mentoring efforts

Encourage all partners to make minority and small business inclusion a priority

Actively solicit a range of prospective bidders

Additional Mentoring Opportunities

αÄïÔ¼ÅÚ has a long history of partnering with and mentoring small and diverse businesses in:

  • Safety
  • Quality
  • Production
  • Scheduling
  • Business Acumin
  • Succession Planning
  • Design Build
  • Joint Venture
  • And much more!
αÄïÔ¼ÅÚ Construction workers all wearing face coverings and orange vests while standing in front of a αÄïÔ¼ÅÚ green construction vehicle

Partnership In Action

“αÄïÔ¼ÅÚ is currently serving as a Prime Mentor for the Caltrans District 4 Mentor-Protégé Program (MPP). The program is designed to facilitate and support the engagement of prime and small businesses contractors in the construction industry and on Caltrans projects. The focus is on fostering work relationships that develop the small contractor’s ability to participate in delivering high-quality construction projects and increase the network of well-qualified subcontractors available to work with primes and Caltrans. As a mentor, αÄïÔ¼ÅÚ has led workshop discussions, hosted small-group feedback sessions and one-on-one office hours with program Protégés. αÄïÔ¼ÅÚ’s active participation supports the program methodology of a group mentoring approach to capitalize on building relationships and knowledge both vertically with Caltrans and the primes as well as horizontally with small contractor peers.”

CPM Logistics

Looking to expand your customer base? Learn how to add additional safety certifications to increase your job opportunities.